Posts Tagged 'pumpkins'

Mad for Pumpkins!

In my neighborhood, pumpkins take center stage in the month of October. They are carved with care as welcome lanterns for little ghost and goblins on Halloween night. But this forgotten vegetable is much more than a fall decoration. Did you know that pumpkins are loaded with vitamins A and C, which help nourish your eyes and skin?

Most parts of this gourd- like squash are edible, including the fleshy meat, shell, seeds, leaves and even the flowers. I know because I munched on fried pumpkin flowers as an appetizer at Bittersweet Plantation Bed and Breakfast. I still remember their delectable delicate crunch.

I don’t wait until Thanksgiving to enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie. As soon as pumpkins debut at local markets, I add them to my grocery cart to use as part of my fall menus. I whip up pumpkin bread and muffins or pumpkin pancakes on weekends. Sometimes, I prepare a quick pumpkin pick- me-up beverage for breakfast or an afternoon snack. For All Hallows Eve, I plan to prepare a special  pumpkin entrée for my husband. Don’t get punked — give pumpkin recipes a try this fall.

Mary Martin Nordness, MA, RD, LD, CHES

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