Posts Tagged 'Running'

Running for Two: Training through Pregnancy

Running for TwoAmber Miller made her way across the Chicago Marathon finish line before giving birth. Most women don’t dream of running a marathon while pregnant but what about running? For many running is much more than their cardio of choice, so they cannot imagine giving it up for nine plus months!

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologist research on exercise while pregnant states it is safe to run while pregnant; however, all moms should consult with their obstetrician. If you ran before you became pregnant, are in good health and not caring multiples generally you can keep running while pregnant.

 Expect instant changes

You will notice that your speed declines and your shoes feel like bricks- this is normal. The heart beats harder to deliver oxygen to you and your baby, but do not get discouraged because you are building aerobic fitness. Those who run during pregnancy experience increase in speed and endurance post pregnancy.

Think time not miles

Exercise at lower intensities for a long period of time burns fat as fuel. A pregnant body is working hard to increase fat stores to support pregnancy and growth of the baby. Going for long and slow distances competes with this process. It is recommended to run or walk for one hour or less three to five times per week.

Running for TwoNutrition is key

It is imperative each run begins and ends well nourished. A nutrient-rich snack such as flavored milk, fruit or yogurt should be consumed one hour before exercise. Drink water every 10-15 minutes during a workout and refuel with a balanced snack immediately after. Try an apple yogurt smoothie or cheese and crackers.  Milk, cheese and yogurt are nutrient-rich and contribute significant nutrition to both mother and baby. Rehydrate until urine is clear.

Rebecca A. Turner, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Cheese – An Endurance Food

CheeseCheese is thought to be as ancient as the marathon, dating back some 10,000 years. All cheeses start from the same raw ingredient – milk.  Runners can enjoy low-fat varieties as a way to add flavor and nutrition to any meal. Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium and a good source of phosphorus, iodine and selenium. All are important nutrients to a cheese lover on the run.

Strong Bones, Strong Legs

Calcium maintains the strength and density of bones. Calcium also plays a role in many other activities that affect endurance athletes, including blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and blood pressure regulation. If an athlete’s diet does not supply adequate calcium over time, it can result in stress fractures or osteoporosis later in life limiting their ability to run.

Powerful Protein

Endurance athletes rely on protein to rebuild and recover from harsh training. Since cheese is an animal protein it contains all the essential amino acids (building blocks) as a steak or chicken breast. Cheese and crackers are a perfect refuel snack!

Help Lose Weight

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows a diet rich in calcium, which is supplied by low-fat dairy, is associated with fat loss. However it is important to stress you must choose low fat cheese (dairy) varieties. Choose a fruit and cheese stick before a run to keep the hunger pains at bay.

How to Enjoy

  • Add shredded or crumbles on top of salads, in pitas or soups.
  • Enjoy classics- grilled cheese sandwich, cheese over pasta or mozzarella and tomatoes.
  • Snack on string cheese, cubed cheese, or any with a cracker!
  • Try these cheese recipes; salad on a stick, cheese BLT pasta salad and easy, cheesy calzone.

Rebecca A. Turner, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Get to Know: Rebecca Turner

Rebecca TurnerHow’s your momma and them?” – that’s a traditional greeting heard in the state of Mississippi. I’m Rebecca Turner and new to the Southeast Dairy Association. I was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi and I am a self proclaimed twenty-first century Southern Belle with a passion for all things nutrition and running. As a registered dietitian, I believe everyone should take time for good health. For me, running helps me have a healthy and balanced life.

Expectations are high to be a “steel magnolia” and it is tough to balance it all. I took up running because I felt I could get the biggest health benefit in the least amount of time. Swearing never to run a marathon, I found myself hitting the pavement every chance I could get. I ran my first marathon three years later. To date, I have completed one marathon, five half-marathons and have no plans on stopping any time soon. So much for swearing!

Whether you want to run a marathon or make it to the end of the block, creditable and practical nutrition information can empower you to achieve optimal health and performance.

When I am not training for a marathon or swinging on my front porch, I am scouring the grocery aisle for the latest nutrient-rich food products.  New products that advertise healthy, quick-to-make, local and organic are continuously showing up on grocery shelves. As a health conscious consumer, I know it is tough to make an educated guess about what products to purchase. Consider me your supermarket guinea pig that will report to you what nutrient-rich foods and products I find at the supermarket.

I am excited to be part of the Southeast Dairy Association family. Growing up Southern is a true privilege and I look forward to sharing my passion for nutrition, running and dairy.

Rebecca A. Turner, MS, RD, LD

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