Posts Tagged 'celebration'

Let them eat cake (and vegetables) too!

letthemeatcake01As a mom, I believe every child should be treated like royalty on their birthday. What parent doesn’t want to make a child’s birthday memorable? But as a registered dietitian, I am concerned with the abundance of unhealthy foods being served.

Unfortunately, most birthday bash staples include junk food like chips, pizza, ice cream and soda. This is  fine occasionally, but parties have become a regular weekend activity making unhealthier foods part of our kids’ weekly diets.

Fortunately, there are lots of fun and healthy snacks parents can offer. Read on for yummy ideas – no fizzy drink or junk food required!

Serve up salad on a stick.


Here’s a twist with kabobs, try salad on a stick which also offers a unique way for children to eat vegetables. Skewer carrots, green pepper, cherry tomatoes, and protein-rich low-fat cheese cubes and offer hummus for dipping.  Clip the end of the skewer for safety.

Bypass baked goods.

Keep the cake center stage and avoid any added baked goods. Instead of cookies and cupcakes, create a yogurt parfait station with fresh fruit and whole grain granola toppings.


Skip fizzy beverages.

Sodas and sports drinks are the biggest source of added sugars and calories in children’s diet.  Offer bottled water or low-fat milk with curly long straws. Both white and flavored milk provide nine essential vitamins and minerals that are important for development and good health.   

Healthy party favors.

Keep the spirits of good health alive with party favors. Offer grab and go snacks such as whole grain cereal bars, portable yogurts, dried fruit and string cheese. Consider art supplies or books in place of candy.

Birthdays can still be a very special day- just add healthier menu ideas and let them eat cake and vegetables too!

Rebecca A. Turner, MS, RD, LD 

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